TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4409 SUBJECT: GRB 051227: Keck Spectroscopy DATE: 05/12/28 14:04:14 GMT FROM: Ryan Foley at UC Berkeley R. J. Foley, J. S. Bloom (UC Berkeley), J. X. Prochaska, G. D. Illingworth, B. P. Holden, D. Magee (UCO/Lick), P. Challis, and A. Garg (CfA) report: "We obtained 2x1500 sec spectra of the object found inside, S1 (GCN 4404, 4407, 4408), and the galaxy north-east, G1 (GCN 4408), of the XRT error box of GRB 051227 (GCN 4402) with Keck II (+ DEIMOS). We detect absorption lines at the position of the galaxy which we identify as Ca II H&K at z = 0.714. We also detect emission lines which we identify as [O II] 3727 and H beta. If the GRB afterglow is S1 and at this redshift, then the offset from G1 to S1 would amount to 33.7 kpc in projection."