TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4502 SUBJECT: GRB060108: Faulkes North afterglow evidence DATE: 06/01/13 19:35:23 GMT FROM: Alessandro Monfardini at JMU/Liverpool Robotic Tele A. Monfardini, C.G. Mundell, C. Guidorzi, I. A. Steele, A. Gomboc, C.J. Mottram, R.J. Smith, D. Bersier, A. Melandri, S. Kobayashi, D. Carter, M.F. Bode (Liverpool JMU), P. O'Brien, E. Rol, N. Bannister (Leicester) report: "The 2-m Faulkes North Telescope observed GRB060108 (Guidorzi et al, GCN4447) starting within minutes from the alert. We report evidence for an afterglow in i' band at the position: RA: 09:48:01.98 DEC: +31:55:08.6 (~0.5" error) Fully consistent with the revised XRT position suggested in GCN4500 by N. Butler and J. S. Bloom. A finding chart is in: http://www.astro.livjm.ac.uk/~cgm/FTNvsSDSS.pdf (candidate within the green square) By comparison with USNOB1 we estimated i' = 21.6 +/- 0.3 at a mean epoch of about 35minutes from the GRB. This message can be cited."