TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4535 SUBJECT: GRB 060117: FRAM optical afterglow candidate DATE: 06/01/17 09:41:08 GMT FROM: Martin Jelinek at Inst.Astrophys.Andalucia,Granada Petr Kubanek, (ASU Ondrejov, Czech Rep. and ISDC Versoix, Switzerland) Martin Jelinek (IAA Greanada, Spain), Michael Prouza (FZU Praha, Czech Rep., Martin Nekola and Rene Hudec (ASU Ondrejov, Czech Rep.) Report: The wide field camera of the telescope FRAM located at Pierre Auger observatory in Malargue, Argentina, observed the field of Swift trigger 177666 (Cmpana et al., GCN 4533) starting 123s after the GRB (10s after GCN). We detect an optical source at coordinates: 21:51:36.1 -59:58:58 (J2000) The object faded during few exposures from the reach of the telescope. Note that this object is within few arcseconds from the galaxy LEDA 128172.