TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 456 SUBJECT: GRB991208, optical observations DATE: 99/12/12 17:52:41 GMT FROM: Peter Garnavich at Center for Astrophysics Peter Garnavich (CfA/Notre Dame) and Alberto Noriega-Crespo (IPAC/CalTech) We imaged the field of GRB991208 with the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) on 1999 Dec 12.52 (UT) in an R filter. The optical afterglow (GCN 452 & 453) was detected in 3x600s exposures and using a single set of Landolt standards we estimate the R-band brightness to be 20.5+/-0.1 mag. This is consistent with the brightness predicted by Jensen et al. (GCN 454) for the steeper of their two suggested decay rates, that is a decay index of -2.15. A bright star 43" West and 24" South of the optical transient is estimated to have R=15.9+/-0.1. [GCN OPS NOTE: This circular was delayed in distribution by 2 hours due to the use of a different account domain than by prior arrangement.] [GCN ED NOTE (12Dec99): The line "...afterglow (GCN 453) was detected" was changed to "...afterglow (GCN 452 & 453) was detected".]