TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4659 SUBJECT: GRB 060204A: further INTEGRAL results DATE: 06/02/04 17:12:05 GMT FROM: Sandro Mereghetti at IASF/CNR S. Mereghetti (IASF, Milano), D.Gotz (CEA, Saclay) on behalf of the IBAS Localization Team report: The peak flux of GRB 060204A (GCN 4654) integrated over 1 s is 0.1 ph (9x10e-9 erg)/cmq/s in the 20-200 keV range. Its fluence in the same energy band is 4x10e-7 erg/cmq. A plot of the light curve will be posted at http://ibas.mi.iasf.cnr.it/IBAS_Results.html This message can be cited.