TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4760 SUBJECT: GRB 060211a: WIRO NIR Observations DATE: 06/02/14 03:32:59 GMT FROM: Jay Norris at NASA-GSFC/LHEA J. Norris, A. Kutyrev (NASA/GSFC), R. Ganguly, R. Canterna, and M. Pierce (U. Wyoming) report: We observed the refined XRT error box reported by Hurkett et al. (GCN 4740) for the very long burst, GRB 060211a (Swift trigger #181126; Hurkett et al. GCN 4736; Krimm et al. GCN 4757) with the 2.3-meter WIRO telescope. Observations commenced at 2006/02/12 02:44 UT (17 hrs after the burst) and continued until 03:24 UT. We obtained thirty-six 50-s integrations in the J band under poor seeing conditions. In the stacked image, no source was detected within the XRT error circle to a limit of J = 19.1 (3-sigma upper limit).