TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4832 SUBJECT: GRB 060218 : Radio upper limits from GMRT DATE: 06/02/25 10:42:05 GMT FROM: Atish Kamble at Raman Research Inst Atish Kamble (Raman Research Institute [RRI], Bangalore, India), C. H. Ishwara Chandra (NCRA, Pune, India) and D. Bhattacharya (RRI) report on behalf of a larger GRB collaboration : The Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT), India observed the field of GRB 060218 (GCN 4775, GCN 4776, GCN 4779) on 20 Feb. 2006 (between 14.0 UT to 17.0 UT) at 1280 MHz using a bandwidth of 32 MHz. We do not detect any source coincident with the position of optical afterglow (GCN 4779). The 3-sigma upper limit achieved is ~ 0.45 mJy. We thank GMRT and the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) staff. This TOO was done under the GMRT Director's Discretionary Time. GMRT is run by NCRA-TIFR, Pune (INDIA). This messege may be cited.