TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4871 SUBJECT: GRB 060313: Possible optical counterpart DATE: 06/03/13 04:26:31 GMT FROM: Andrew Levan at U.of Leicester A.J. Levan (U. Hertfordshire), J. Hjorth (Dark Cosmology Centre) report for the GRACE collaboration: We observed the location of the short hard GRB 060313 (Pagani et al. GCN 4867) with the VLT and FORS2 beginning at 01:28 UT. At the location of the X-ray afterglow reported by Pagani et al. (GCN 4870) we find a point source which is not visible in the DSSII (red) although is somewhat brighter than its limiting magnitude. We suggest this is the afterglow of GRB 060313. The location of the source is: RA = 04:26:28.4 Dec = -10:50:40.1 Currrently we estimate our uncertainty in this position is ~0.5" in each axis. Further observations are planned.