TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4915 SUBJECT: GRB060323: NOT observations DATE: 06/03/24 15:04:56 GMT FROM: Brian Lindgren Jensen at U.of Copenhagen Brian Lindgren Jensen, Jens Hjorth, Johan Fynbo (Dark Cosmology Centre) and Hugo Schwarz (CTIO) report: "We have obtained R band observations of GRB 060323 (Vetere et al., GCN 4904) with the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope and StanCam at La Palma. Observations started at UT 23.95 (8.2hr after the burst) and cover the position of the Swift XRT source (Kennea et al., GCN 4909). Inside the XRT error circle we clearly detect the source reported by Covino et al. (GCN 4911) at a position of: RA = 11:37:45.21 Dec = +49:59:07.3 Additionally, we clearly detect the source reported by Kann et al. (GCN 4909). In our combined image it appears extended. A finding chart of the field of the XRT error-circle can be found at: http://www.astro.ku.dk/~brian_j/grb/grb060323.606/ "