TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 500 SUBJECT: Chandra observation of the X-ray afterglow of GRB991216 DATE: 99/12/19 19:30:29 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati L. Piro (IAS/CNR, Rome), G. Garmire (Penn State University), M. Garcia and the CXC team (CfA, Cambridge), F. Marshall & T. Takeshima (GSFC) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: The Chandra X-ray Observatory imaged the field of GRB991216 for 10ks starting on Dec 18.208 (UT), i.e. about 37 hrs after the GRB (Kippen et al. GCN n. 463). From a preliminary analysis of the data we found a single unknown point source, that we name CXO J050931.4+111706, in the center of the field. The position is RA = 05h09m31.35s, Dec = 11d 17' 05'.7, consistent with the position of optical counterpart (Uglesich etal, GCN 472). The difference of 1".7 between the two positions is in fact within the error present at this stage of the analysis. The flux observed in the ACIS-S plus High Energy Transmission Grating zero-order image is equivalent to 2.5 x 10**-12 ergs/cm**2/sec over 2-10keV, assuming a power law spectrum with a slope of 2.1 and the galactic Nh of 2.0x10**21 cm**-2. Given the preliminary nature of the reduction, this is consistent (within 20%) with the extrapolation of the decay slope observed with XTE of -1.64 (Takeshima etal, GCN 478). We note that the x-ray decay slope may be steeper than the optical slope (-1.23 +/- 0.05, Garnavich etal GCN 495; -1.17+/-0.10, Jensen etal GCN 498). A more detailed analysis of the data is in progress. This message can be cited