TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5033 SUBJECT: GRB 060428A: PROMPT Observations DATE: 06/04/29 02:15:04 GMT FROM: Josh Haislip at U.North Carolina J. Haislip, M. Nysewander, A. Foster, A. LaCluyze, D. Reichart, J. A. Crain, K. Ivarsen, J. Kirschbrown, C. MacLeod, A. Trotter, and J. Carpenter report on behalf of the UNC team of the FUN GRB Collaboration: Skynet observed the localization of GRB 060428A (Mangano et al., GCN 5014) with three of the 16-inch PROMPT telescopes at CTIO beginning 58 sec after the burst (44 sec after notification) in Ug'r'i'z' (three simultaneously). No new source is found to z' > 17.1 mag (3 sigma; 10 sec exposure) at 63 sec after the burst and z' > 19.1 (3 sigma; 4 x 40 sec exposures) at 5.3 min after the burst. PROMPT is currently being built and commissioned.