TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 505 SUBJECT: IPN error box for GRB991216 DATE: 99/12/21 01:49:35 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, T. Cline, on behalf of the NEAR GRB team, and C. Kouveliotou, on behalf of the BATSE GRB team, report: We have obtained a ~24 sq. arcmin. (3 sigma) Ulysses-BATSE-NEAR error box for GRB991216 ((BATSE 7906: GCN 463, GCN 502). The corners of the box are: RA(2000) Decl.(2000) 5 h 9 m 34 s 11 o 16 ' 41 " 5 h 9 m 03 s 11 o 03 ' 54 " 5 h 9 m 52 s 11 o 27 ' 06 " 5 h 9 m 21 s 11 o 14 ' 40 " This box includes the optical transient (GCN 472), and further refinements to it are possible. Maps of this box and the earlier SAX-Ulysses annulus (GCN 472) may be found at ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/991216.