TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 51 SUBJECT: GRB980329 Keck K-band observations DATE: 98/04/07 23:43:38 GMT FROM: James Larkin at UCLA J. Larkin and A. Ghez (UCLA) in collaboration with S. Kulkarni, S. Djorgovsk (Caltech), D. Frail and G. Taylor (NRAO) report: We have fully reduced our K-band images of the field surrounding the gamma ray burst GRB980329. We confirm our earlier strong detection of a compact (<0.6'' FWHM) object at the radio coordinates reported by Taylor et al. (see GCN#40) and coincident with the optical counterpart announced by Djorgovski et al. (see GCN#41). The observations include two separate 90 minute exposures at the Keck 10 meter telescope obtained on UT 1998 April 02 and April 03, respectively. The total K-band magnitudes of the object are 20.7+-0.2 mag on April 02, and 20.9+-0.2 mag on April 03. The source is unresolved in our images, even if we include only those frames taken under the best seeing conditions of 0.5 to 0.6 arcseconds. The final K band image can be found at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~larkin/grb.html This note is citable.