TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 510 SUBJECT: GRB 991216: Detection of the Host and/or Absorber Galaxy DATE: 99/12/30 07:20:37 GMT FROM: George Djorgovski at Caltech/Palomar GRB 991216: Detection of the Host and/or Absorber Galaxy S. G. Djorgovski (CIT), R. Goodrich (CARA), S. R. Kulkarni, J. S. Bloom, A. Dierks, F. Harrison (CIT), and D. A. Frail (NRAO) report on behalf of the Caltech-CARA-NRAO GRB collaboration: We obtained R-band images of the field of GRB 991216 using the ESI instrument on the WMKO Keck-II telescope, on UT 1999 Dec 29.41. The OT is well detected with an estimated magnitude R = 23.6, marginally fainter than the extrapolation of the early power-law light curve, possibly indicative of a change in the decline rate. We detect a galaxy extending out to ~ 1 arcsec to the W of the OT, with an estimated magnitude R ~ 24.5, not including any portion of the galaxy covered by the OT image. We propose that this is the host galaxy of the GRB, which may be also responsible for the z = 1.02 absorption system reported by Vreeswijk et al. (GCN #496). Its low-resolution spectra show no obvious strong line emission in a very rough, preliminary reduction. Another galaxy of a comparable magnitude (R ~ 24.8 mag) is detected 2.4 arcsec to the SE of the OT; it may be responsible for another absorption system reported in the spectrum of the OT. These magnitudes have the zero-point uncertainty of at least 0.3 mag, due mainly to the aperture corrections. Images of the field will be posted at http://astro.caltech.edu/~george/grb/grb991216.html This note can be cited.