TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5119 SUBJECT: GRB060512 Name Correction: LT Afterglow detection DATE: 06/05/13 00:29:56 GMT FROM: Carole Mundell at ARI, JMU,Liverpool C.G. Mundell and I.A. Steele report on behalf of the Liverpool GRB group: "We incorrectly named GRB 060512 as 060513; we apologize for the mistake and reiterate: The 2-m Liverpool Telescope followed up GRB060512 (SWIFT trigger 209755) approximately 20 min after the GRB trigger time. We confirm the UVOT identification of a fading OT (Cummings et al GCN 5117) at: 13:03:05.8 +41:11:26.8 +\- 0.5 arcsec (J2000) with magnitude r' = 18.2 +/- 0.3 mag (vs USNOB1) at 46 min. Observations and analysis are ongoing. This message may be cited"