TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 512 SUBJECT: IPN error boxes for GRB991229 DATE: 99/12/30 22:50:51 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and T. Cline and E. Mazets, on behalf of the KONUS-WIND and NEAR GRB teams, report: Ulysses, KONUS-WIND, and NEAR observed a moderately intense (25-100 keV fluence ~10^-5 erg/cm^2), 100 s long gamma-ray burst on December 29, 1999 at 15:10:26 UT. Triangulation of this event yields two alternate, ~700 sq. arcmin. error boxes whose corners are at: RA(2000) DEC(2000) 22 h 26 m 7.91 s 28 o 43 ' 45.47 " 22 h 24 m 41.17 s 29 o 10 ' 38.02 " 22 h 25 m 45.15 s 29 o 28 ' 9.61 " 22 h 24 m 5.15 s 30 o 4 ' 45.86 " AND 22 h 17 m 11.91 s 35 o 22 ' 46.66 " 22 h 17 m 2.57 s 34 o 49 ' 56.05 " 22 h 18 m 45.26 s 34 o 42 ' 23.34 " 22 h 18 m 49.07 s 33 o 59 ' 50.67 " Although these error boxes can be refined, it will probably not be possible to resolve the ambiguity between them with the present observations.