TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5167 SUBJECT: GRB 060526: TNG optical observations DATE: 06/05/26 22:12:02 GMT FROM: Stefano Covino at Brera Astronomical Observatory S. Covino, G.L. Israel, F. Ghinassi, N. Pinilla, on behalf of the CIBO collaboration, report: We observed the optical counterpart of GRB 060526 (Campana et al. GCN 5162; French & Jelinek GCN 5165; Rykoff et al. GCN 5166) with the 3.6m TNG telescope located at the Canary Islands. V and R photometry have been obtained with TNG+DOLoRES. The afterglow is clearly detected at 21:00:56 UT (about 4:32 after the burst) with R = 18.43 +- 0.04, assuming R = 15.0 for the USNO star at RA,DEC 15:31:17.90, 00:15:28.8. Further observations are in progress. This message is citable.