TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 526 SUBJECT: BATSE location of GRB000126 DATE: 00/01/28 16:23:37 GMT FROM: R. Marc Kippen at BATSE/UAH/MSFC R. M. Kippen (UAH/MSFC) reports on behalf of the BATSE GRB Team: GRB000126 was detected by BATSE as trigger #7971 at 84389.625 s UT on 2000 January 26. BACODINE/GCN locations were not issued because the trigger began in a real-time telemetry gap. The burst emission consists of several pulses lasting more than 70 s. The preliminary BATSE location is (R.A., Dec. J2000) = (116.7, 6.9 deg), with a total (statistical+systematic) error radius of 2.4 deg (68% Conf.). This location rules out one of the two possible IPN error boxes (GCN 525), which means that the most probable IPN error-box is: RA(2000) DEC(2000) 7 h 45 m 40.70 s 7 o 53 ' 53.12 " 7 h 44 m 42.48 s 7 o 43 ' 2.86 " 7 h 45 m 16.97 s 7 o 45 ' 38.87 " 7 h 44 m 18.05 s 7 o 34 ' 38.23 " This box is within about 0.8 deg of the independent BATSE location. -eof-