TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5270 SUBJECT: GRB050326: Host Galaxy Candidates DATE: 06/06/16 21:44:18 GMT FROM: Leonardo Pellizza at CEA/Saclay L.J. Pellizza (CEA Saclay, France & IAFE, Argentina), P.-A. Duc (CEA Saclay, France), E. Le Floc'h (Steward Obs., USA), & I.F. Mirabel (ESO), on behalf of the MISTICI collaboration. We imaged the field of GRB 050326 (Markwardt et al. 2005, GCN 3143) on June 5, 2005. Ks (42 x 60 seconds) frames were obtained with ISAAC at VLT. In the combined frame we detect two objects within the revised XRT error circle (Moretti et al. 2006, A&A, 448, L9). These objects are barely above our 3-sigma limiting magnitude Ks_lim ~ 21. Their positions are RA(J2000) = 00:27:49.7, DEC(J2000) = -71:22:12.6 (object 1) and RA(J2000) = 00:27:49.5, DEC(J2000) = -71:22:12.3 (object 2) (0.5 arcsec error). Both astrometry and photometry were calibrated against 2MASS stars.