TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5288 SUBJECT: GRB 060707: BOOTES-IR optical observation DATE: 06/07/08 03:03:05 GMT FROM: Antonio Deugarte at IAA-CSIC A. de Ugarte Postigo, J. Gorosabel and A.J.Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC) on behalf of the BOOTES-IR Collaboration. "The BOOTES-IR 0.6m telescope, located at IAA-CSIC Observatorio de Sierra Nevada in Granada (Spain), observed the SWIFT error box for GRB 060707 (Moretti et al. GCNC 5285). R-band observations started at 01:20 UT(3:50 h after the burst, when it became observable from our location). A limiting R-band magnitude of ~20 is derived for the afteglow at ~ 1:45 UT. This message is quotable".