TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5344 SUBJECT: GRB 060719: prompt PROMPT observations DATE: 06/07/19 08:31:27 GMT FROM: Melissa Nysewander at UNC,Chapel Hill M. Nysewander, D. Reichart, K. Ivarsen, A. Foster, A. LaCluyze, J. A. Crain, C. MacLeod, J. Haislip, and A. Trotter report on behalf of the UNC GRB Collaboration: Under the control of SkyNet, 3 0.4-m PROMPT telescopes observed the location of GRB 060719 (Stamatikos et al., GCN 5339) beginning 36 seconds after the burst in Ur'i'z'. We do not see evidence for an optical afterglow to z' > 16.6 mag (3 sigma, 10 sec exposure) at a mean time of 58 seconds after the burst and z' > 18.6 mag (3 sigma; 3 x 40 sec exposures) at a mean time of 5.4 min after the burst. We do not detect any early brighter emission from the possible candidate reported by Berger & Bonanos (GCN 5340). PROMPT is currently being built and commissioned.