TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5347 SUBJECT: GRB 060719: further analysis of VLT observations DATE: 06/07/19 13:14:27 GMT FROM: Daniele Malesani at SISSA-ISAS,Trieste,Italy D. Fugazza (INAF/OABr), D. Malesani (SISSA/ISAS), S. Covino (INAF/OABr), report on behalf of the MISTICI collaboration: We refine the analysis of our observations of GRB 060719 (Stamatikos et al., GCN 5339) taken at the ESO VLT (Covino et al., GCN 5341). Observations were taken between Jul 19.301 and 19.332 UT, consisting of fifty short exposures for a total exposure time of 25 minutes. Inside the XRT error box, only the object reported by Berger & Bonanos (GCNs 5340, 5342) is visible in our images. This object is present in the DSS (Covino et al., GCN 5341). A 30-minutes low-resolution spectrum identifies the object as a foreground star, thanks to the identification of Balmer lines, CaII, SII and NaD features in absorption at redshift 0. There are two further objects very close to the XRT error circle (equinox J2000): 1: alpha = 01:13:43.44, delta = -48:22:58.2 2: alpha = 01:13:43.68, delta = -38:22:51.3 These objects lie 5.2 and 4.4" arcsec away the XRT position, respectively, and are both pointlike and fainter than the DSS limit. Object 2 is very faint in our images. All objects are constant within the errors during the course of our observation (~23 to 68 minutes after the trigger). We estimate the 3-sigma limiting magnitude of our images to be R ~ 25.5 (based on USNO-B1 R1 magnitudes). We acknowledge the excellent support of the VLT staff, in particular Elena Mason. This message can be cited.