TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5372 SUBJECT: GRB 060719: TORTOREM optical upper limits DATE: 06/07/30 08:29:57 GMT FROM: Corrado Bartolini at Universita di Bologna A. Guarnieri, C. Bartolini, G. Beskin, S. Bondar, G. Greco, S. Karpov, D. Nanni, A. Piccioni, F. Terra, E. Molinari, G. Chincarini, F. M. Zerbi, S. Covino, V. Testa, G. Tosti, F. Vitali, L. A. Antonelli, P. Conconi, G. Cutispoto, G. Malaspina, L. Nicastro, E. Palazzi, E. Meurs, P. Goldoni, on behalf of the TORTOREM Team report: The field of GRB 060719 (Stamatikos et al. GCN 5339) was observed by the TORTORA (Telescopio Ottimizzato per la Ricerca di Transienti Ottici RApidi) wide-field fast camera (12 cm diameter, 20x25 deg FOV) mounted on REM robotic 60-cm telescope located at La Silla (Chile). The burst was outside the camera field of view. The system was repointed and the TORTORA began to acquire frames at 06:51:36 UTC (59 sec after trigger) with 7.5 Hz frame frequency (0.128 exposure). The summation of 100 frames with 12.8 s. effective exposure did not reveal any source down to the B = 12.4 mag (3-sigma). We performed the Fourier analysis of 15 min data set to search for the periodic signal at the GRB position. The upper limit for the amplitude of sinusoidal variability is B=16.5 (1-sigma) over the 0.01 - 3.5 Hz range. The message may be cited.