TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5383 SUBJECT: GRB060801: optical upper limit in R DATE: 06/08/01 21:31:40 GMT FROM: Gottfried Kanbach at MPE S. Duscha, G. Kanbach, M. Muehlegger, A. Stefanescu, F. Schrey, N. Prymak, H. Steinle (MPE Garching) of the OPTIMA-Burst team report from the 1.3m Skinakas Observatory (University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece): We observed the position of the XRT errorcircle of GRB 060801 (trigger #222154, Racusin, et al., GCN Circ. 5378) on 2006 Aug 01, 19:24 UT (mid-exposure; about 7 hours post burst): in a 20 min R-filter exposure we do not detect a counterpart candidate brighter than R=22.