TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5425 SUBJECT: GRB 060807: UVOT Upper limits DATE: 06/08/08 11:58:39 GMT FROM: Shashi Pandey at MSSL S. B. Pandey and M. De Pasquale (UCL-MSSL) report on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team: The Swift UVOT began observing GRB 060807 (trigger #223217, M. De Pasquale et al., GCN Circular 5409) 110 seconds after the BAT trigger. No optical afterglow is detected in the XRT refined error circle (Page et al, GCN Circular 5423) and at location of the afterglow reported by Fynbo et al. 2006 (GCN Circular 5420). The 3-sigma limiting magnitudes for the coadded images for the UVOT filters are listed below: Filter T_range(s) Exposure(s) 3sig_Upper limit WHITE 110-6965 599 20.5 V 215-12151 1796 20.7 B 693-18617 1079 21.4 U 669-17927 1317 21.2 W1 645-17012 1318 20.4 M2 621-12834 1099 20.7 W2 721-11238 1102 20.8 T_range is calculated from the time of the burst. No correction has been made for the Galactic reddening of to E(B-V) = 0.03 mag (Schlegel et al. 1998) along the line of sight to the burst.