TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5439 SUBJECT: Second VLA limit on new radio point source in SGR 1806-20 DATE: 06/08/11 21:13:35 GMT FROM: Jim Ulvestad at NRAO E. Fomalont, B. Clark, and J. Ulvestad report on behalf of NRAO: We have used the NRAO Very Large Array in its B configuration on behalf of the community for a second observation of SGR 1806-20, the apparent source of GRB 060806 (GCN 5416, Hurley et al. 2006; GCN 5419, Hurley et al. 2006). As noted in GCN 5426 (Golenitskii et al. 2006), the gamma-ray activity is far below that of the large flare of December 2004. The observation epoch for the second VLA observation was 2006AUG11 at 06:10 UT, and there was no detection of a new radio point source at the location of SGR 1806-20. The approximate 5-sigma upper limit at 8.46 GHz was < 0.23 mJy, consistent with the value of < 0.30 mJy seen two days previously and reported by us in GCN 5427. This concludes the planned NRAO service observations of SGR 1806-20 in response to the recent outburst. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.