TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5470 SUBJECT: GRB060801: host galaxy redshift DATE: 06/08/22 22:32:30 GMT FROM: Antonino Cucchiara at PSU A. Cucchiara (PSU), D. B. Fox (PSU), E. Berger (OCIW) and P. A. Price (IfA,UH) report: Starting at August, 22nd at 06:05:49 UT, we obtained 2x900 sec spectra of the candidate host galaxy of GRB 060801 (extended source B in GCN5389) using Gemini North observatory and GMOS spectrograph with 1 arcsec slit and R400 grating. We detect a bright emission line at 7942A, with no other apparent features. Identifying this line as [OII] at 3727A yields a redshift of z = 1.131 for this galaxy. At this redshift, the observed fluence of 8.1e-8 erg/cm2 (GCN 5381) corresponds to an isotropic-equivalent energy of 2.7e50 erg. We thank the staff at Gemini for performing the observations. [GCN OPS NOTE(15dec06): Per author's request, the Subject-line was changed from "00801" to "060801".]