TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5530 SUBJECT: GRB 060906: observations with FRAM DATE: 06/09/06 09:42:24 GMT FROM: Petr Kubanek at AIO P. Kubanek (AsU AV CR Ondrejov & ISDC Versoix) and M.Prouza (FZU Praha, UC NY) reports on behalf of the FRAM collaboration: We observed location of GRB 060906 (GCN Circ. 5528, J. Racusin et al.) with FRAM telescope at Pierre Auger Observatory, Argentina. Inside XRT error circle, in R band single image, we detected bright flash at location: 02:42:49.5 +30:24:21.7 (J2000) Object is not present in DSS images, nor in USNO catalogue. WE WARN THAT THIS OBJECT IS MOST PROBABLY ARTIFACT FROM CAMERA SHUTTER FAILURE. At present time, we are unsure about nature of that event. We kindly request observers with all-sky cameras to check for that object. Finding chart is available at: http://lascaux.asu.cas.cz/~petr/20060906.png Bigger circle is XRT location, smaller is OT candidate (GCN Circ. 5529, S. Bradley Cenko et al.) and object mentioned above. First image is 20 sec R band exposure starting at 08:34:53 (125 sec post GRB), second is 20 sec starting at 08:35:20. Object is not visible at second image. Line going from object down is in image Y axis direction, so it might be a object bloom. Futher observations, as well as analysis, are in progress. [GCN OPS NOTE(06sep06): Per author's request, the citation for Circ 5528 was changed to Racusin.]