TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5565 SUBJECT: GRB060912: Swift/UVOT Observations DATE: 06/09/12 23:29:18 GMT FROM: Peter Brown at PSU P. J. Brown (PSU) & C. P. Hurkett (U Leicester) report on behalf of the Swift UVOT team: Swift/UVOT began settled observations of GRB060912 (BAT trigger 229185) at 13:57:47 UT, 113 seconds after the initial Swift BAT trigger (Hurkett et al., GCN Circ. 5558). The fading optical counterpart seen in the white finding charts was also detected by UVOT in V, B, U, UVW1 and marginally in UVM2. The relatively shallow upper limit in UVW2 prevents us from constraining the redshift well. The magnitudes from early observations and the upper limit in UVW2 are tabulated below. Filter T_range(s) Exp(s) Magnitude White 113-212 100 16.0 +/- 0.1 White 859-958 100 18.1 +/- 0.1 V 219-618 400 17.4 +/- 0.1 V 964-1363 400 18.4 +/- 0.2 B 697-1776 79 19.5 +/- 0.4 U 672-691 20 17.6 +/- 0.2 UVW1 649-668 20 18.51 +/- 0.4 UVM2 624-1861 119 19.3 +/- 0.4 UVW2 725-1814 78 > 19.5 (3.0-sigma) T_range is the span of the exposure in seconds from the BAT trigger. The values quoted above are not corrected for the expected Galactic extinction corresponding to a reddening of E(B-V)=0.05.