TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 569 SUBJECT: Radio observations of the error box of GRB000301A DATE: 00/03/03 00:08:23 GMT FROM: Evert Rol at U.Amsterdam E. Rol (Univ. of Amsterdam), R. Strom (NFRA, UoA), P. Vreeswijk (UoA), C. Kouveliotou (USRA, NASA/MSFC), L. Kaper (UoA) report, on behalf of a larger collaboration: "We have observed the IPN error box of the GRB000301A (GCN #567) at 4.9 GHz with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. We obtained a 6 hour observation, centered at March 2.64 UT. Within the error box, we detect only one source, at a flux level of 0.37 +- 0.055 mJy. The position of the source is (J2000): RA 23:39:47 Decl 75:46:15 with a conservative error of 2 arcseconds. At this point, we do not claim that this is the radio counterpart to GRB000301A. We are currently trying to find a catalogue for this wavelength to compare with. Observations of the error box will continue with the WSRT." This message may be cited