TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 574 SUBJECT: GRB 000301A, Radio Observations DATE: 00/03/03 22:59:39 GMT FROM: Dale A. Frail at NRAO D. A. Frail and G. B. Taylor (NRAO) report: "We imaged the IPN error box of GRB000301A (GCN #567) with the VLA at frequencies of 4.86 GHz and 8.46 GHz, starting on March 3.86 UT. The radio source reported by Rol et al. (GCN #569) is visible. We obtain an improved position of (J2000) r.a.= 23 39 47.51 (+/-0.05), dec. = +75 46 14.5 (+/-0.2). The VLA flux density at 4.86 GHz is 408+/-61 microJy, consistent with that measured at WSRT 30 hrs earlier. The 8.46 GHz flux density is 432+/-68 microJy, and indicates a flat spectrum. A search of the NRAO All Sky Survey (NVSS; Condon et al. 1998, AJ, 115, 1693) shows that the VLA observed in this direction at a frequency of 1.4 GHz on 1993 October 20. At the position of the radio source there is a weak (2.5-sigma) NVSS source with a flux density of 1.1+/-0.45 milliJy. The absence of significant variability, the flat spectrum and the possible identification of a NVSS source at this position, makes it unlikely that the radio source is related to GRB 000301A."