TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 582 SUBJECT: GRB 000301C, Optical Observation DATE: 00/03/04 21:31:36 GMT FROM: Jules Halpern at Columbia U. J. P. Halpern, N. Mirabal, & S. Lawrence (Columbia U.) report on behalf of the MDM Observatory GRB follow-up team: "We reobserved GRB 000301C in the R band on March 4.50 UT using the MDM 1.3m telescope, measuring R = 20.61 +/- 0.04, referenced to the comparison stars of Garnavich et al. (GCN #573). The power-law decay derived from this and previous measurements (GCNs #575,576,578,579) is slower than previously indicated. We find alpha = -1.07 +/- 0.09. This predicts R = 20.95 on March 5.50 UT. The decay curve and a new CCD image are posted at http://www.astro.bio2.edu/grb/ This message may be cited."