TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 592 SUBJECT: GRB000301C - Host galaxy not detected in R (?) DATE: 00/03/05 20:12:30 GMT FROM: Christian Veillet at CFHT The candidate for the optical transient (OT) associated with the gamma ray burst GRB000301c has been observed in imaging mode with MOS on the 3.6-m CFH Telescope in the course of the French GRB follow-up program at CFHT (M. Boer, CESR, C. Veillet, CFHT). The R image mentioned in GCN588 has been examined for a possible detection of the galaxy observed in the near IR (GCN586-587). Nothing is detected at the reported position (1"E 2"N). The detection limit in this area of the field is at R~25. The OT itself has no significant elongation compared to nearby stars. "Something" is detected at -1"E 2"N though. It was not visible on the previous R image taken on March 3.5 due to a much poorer seeing (~1.5"). Its magnitude (if real) is 24.7 +/- .3 . Should I add that more deep imaging is needed?... Image available at http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/~veillet/grb.html D. Elbaz and H. Flores are acknowledged for their help in these observations. This message may be cited. -- ************************************************************ Dr. Christian Veillet, CFHT Senior Resident Astronomer Phone: (808) 885-3161 http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/~veillet/ ************************************************************