TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 639 SUBJECT: BATSE observations of FXT/GRB 000416 = 1SAXJ1715.0-7134 DATE: 00/04/18 19:02:56 GMT FROM: R. Marc Kippen at BATSE/UAH/MSFC R. M. Kippen (University of Alabama in Huntsville) and P. M. Woods (Universities Space Research Association) report on behalf of the CGRO-BATSE team: The fast x-ray transient (possible gamma-ray burst) 1SAXJ1715.0-7134 observed with BeppoSAX-WFC on April 16.60618 UT (Piro et al., GCN 635) was detected with BATSE, having significant flux in the 20-100 keV energy range. The event did not activate the BATSE on-board trigger system (currently operating in the >100 keV energy range), but was recorded in continuous data mode with 1.024-s temporal resolution. Furthermore, the BATSE location is consistent with that of the WFC. The event consisted of a single weak pulse lasting about 8 seconds. The peak flux was 0.14 (-/+ 0.04) ph/cm2/s (50-300 keV; 1.024 s), with a total fluence of 2.9 (-/+ 0.3) E-7 erg/cm2 (>20 keV). The spectrum is consistent with a single power-law model with photon index -2.7 (-/+ 0.2). About 1% of BATSE gamma-ray bursts have such soft spectra. If this event is a gamma-ray burst, it ranks in the lower ~2% (10%) of the BATSE flux/fluence distribution. This notice is citeable. -eof-