TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 678 SUBJECT: IPN localization of GRB000529 DATE: 00/05/29 18:28:55 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, T. Cline, F. Frontera, C. Guidorzi, E. Montanari, and E. Mazets report: NEAR, Konus, and the BeppoSAX GRBM observed this burst (GCN #676). (The NEAR XGRS detector has been turned back on and is operating nominally; Ulysses data will not be available until tomorrow due to the Memorial Day holiday). Triangulation gives an annulus centered at RA(2000)=312.943 deg., Decl.(2000)=-26.625 deg., with radius 47.850 +/- 0.171 degrees (3 sigma). This is consistent with, but does not further constrain, the BeppoSAX WFC error box. The addition of Ulysses data is expected to improve this localization.