TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 679 SUBJECT: GRB000519: Optical observations DATE: 00/05/30 13:25:21 GMT FROM: Brian Lindgren Jensen at U.of Copenhagen B. L. Jensen, H. Pedersen, J. Hjorth (U. of Copenhagen), J. Gorosabel (DSRI, Copenhagen), T. H. Dall, J. P. U. Fynbo (U. of Aarhus) and S. O'Toole (U. of Sydney), report on behalf of a larger European collaboration: "We have obtained images covering about 95% of the 100 sq. arcmin error box reported by Hurley et al. (GCN #672) with the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope (+ALFOSC, mosaic of 5 pointings) on La Palma, and the 1.54-m Danish Telescope (+DFOSC) at La Silla, as follows: Telescope Date Filter/Exp FWHM NOT 2000 May 20.17 UT (t+20h) R: 180-360 s 1.5" DK-1.54m 2000 May 20.39 UT (t+25h) R: 4x240 s 1.7" DK-1.54m 2000 May 25.37 UT (t+6d) R: 3x300 s 3.5" Observations were hampered by moonlight. Using the photometry provided by Henden (GCN #673), we obtain limiting magnitudes of R~20.8 for the NOT, and R~21.0 for the DK-1.5m May 20 image. The exposures have been compared internally, and with the DSS-II (red) exposure. No candidate counterpart was found."