TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 683 SUBJECT: GRB000528: BeppoSAX NFI follow-up preliminary analysis DATE: 00/05/31 17:34:20 GMT FROM: Giangiacomo Gandolfi at IAS/CNR Frascati A BeppoSAX follow up of GRB000528 with the Narrow Field Instruments started around May 28 at 20:50 UT, i.e. about 12 hours after the GRB. Preliminary analysis of the MECS (1.6-10 keV) data shows two previously unknown sources inside the field. The preliminary WFC error box (BeppoSAX Mail #10) contains both objects, while the refined one (BeppoSAX Mail #11 and GCN 677) only the second. Object #1: R.A.(2000)= 161.365 DEC(2000)= -33.975 Object #2: R.A.(2000)= 161.287 DEC(2000)= -33.986 both with an error radius of 1.5'. The source #1 is possibly fading, while the #2 seems to be consistent with a constant flux. Further and more detailed analysis are in progress. G. Gandolfi on behalf of BeppoSAX Mission Scientist