TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 724 SUBJECT: GRB000620 Optical observations DATE: 00/06/20 22:36:54 GMT FROM: Adriano Guarnieri at O.A.di Bologna C.Bartolini, R.Gualandi, A.Guarnieri, A.Piccioni, Astronomy Department, Bologna University and Bologna Astronomical Observatory, and E. Palazzi, E. Pian, N.Masetti, ITeSRE-CNR, Bologna report: "On June 20.88 UT we have imaged the field of GRB000620 (G.Gandolfi et al. GCN n.718) with the 152 cm telescope of Loiano, R color (1800 sec. exposure). A preliminary quick inspection of the field does not show any obvious object brighter than POSS1". This message may be cited