TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 728 SUBJECT: GRB000620, optical observations DATE: 00/06/22 11:08:20 GMT FROM: Nicola Masetti at ITeSRE,CNR,Bologna N. Masetti, E. Palazzi, E. Pian, F. Frontera (ITESRE, CNR, Bologna), M. Tichy, J. Ticha (Klet Observatory), R. Hudec (ASU, Ondrejov) and G. Gandolfi (IAS, CNR, Rome), on behalf of a larger collaboration, report: "Unfiltered optical images of the field of GRB000620 (GCN #716), were acquired on 2000 June 20.91 with the 0.57-meter telescope (+CCD camera SBIG ST-8) of the Klet Observatory, Czech Republic, for a total exposure time of 600 sec. The seeing was around 3 arcsec as the field can only be observed at high airmass (~2.5) in this period. No new or noticeable object down to a magnitude ~20 is detected inside the BeppoSAX+IPN error box (GCNs #718, #723) when we compare our image with the DSS-II Digital Sky Survey.". This message can be cited.