TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 833 SUBJECT: GRB000926: X-ray afterglow by BeppoSAX: revised fluxes (fwd) DATE: 00/10/06 14:50:33 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati L. Piro (BeppoSAX Mission Scientist, IAS/CNR Roma) & L. A. Antonelli (OaR) report on behalf of the BeppoSAX team: We have found an error in the application of a conversion factor which underestimates the fluxes distributed in GCN n.832 The correct value of the average flux (at T=29.25) is F(1.6-10 keV)= (2.6+\-0.6) 10^-13 erg/cm2/s We have also carefully checked different background subtraction methods, finding that the corresponding systematic effect amouts to less than about 15%. This has been included in the flux error quoted above. All the other results on the fading behaviour and on the spectral shape presented in GCN 832 remain unaffected.