TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 93 SUBJECT: BATSE on-board GRB trigger change DATE: 98/06/01 18:35:57 GMT FROM: R Marc Kippen at BATSE/UAH/MSFC RE: BATSE on-board trigger changes The BATSE on-board transient event trigger energy range was changed from channels 3+4 (>100 keV) to channels 1+2 (~20-100 keV) on 31 May, 1998 18:47:38 UT. The revised trigger definition will be enabled for approximately two weeks to increase the chance of detecting oubursts from an active Soft Gamma Repeater (SGR) source. At the end of this interval the trigger will be returned to its previous state of using channels 3+4. The new trigger setting may result in an unacceptable number of solar flare triggers, in which case some detectors would be excluded from the on-board trigger algorithm. We hesitate to implement the later, since it leads to very anisotropic trigger exposure.