TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 935 SUBJECT: GRB 010214, optical observations DATE: 01/02/15 05:21:27 GMT FROM: Sylvio Klose at TLS Tautenburg S. Klose, B. Stecklum (Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg), A. Castro-Tirado (LAEFF-INTA, Madrid, and IAA-CSIC, Granada), and J. Greiner (AIP Potsdam) report: The error circle of GRB 010214 (Gandolfi et al., GCN #933) was imaged in R and I on February 15, 0:55 UT - 3:49 UT (about 16 - 19 hrs after the burst), using the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope equipped with the Schmidt focus CCD camera (fov 35 x 35 arcmin). A visual comparison of the combined R-band frames with the DSS2 red and the IR sky survey does not reveal any afterglow candidate brighter than about R=20. (The DSS IR sky survey excludes a promising candidate at RA, DEC (J2000) = 17:40:55.0, 48:30:51 +/- 1 arcsec which seems to have no counterpart on the DSS2 red survey; these coordinates are based on the DSS2 red fits file.) This message is quotable.