TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 942 SUBJECT: GRB010214, optical observations DATE: 01/02/15 22:13:45 GMT FROM: Rene Hudec at AIO R. Hudec, M. Jelinek, Astronomical Institute Ondrejov, Czech Republic, M. Tichy, J. Ticha, Klet Observatory, Czech Republic, report: Unfiltered optical images of the GRB010214 BeppoSAX WFC error box (GCN#933) were acquired on 2001 February 15.07 with the 0.57-meter telescope (+CCD camera SBIG ST-8) of the Klet Observatory, Czech Republic, for a total exposure time of 600 sec. No new or noticeable object down to a magnitude ~20.5 is detected inside the WFC error box when we compare our summed frame with the DSS-II Digital Sky Survey. We also note that no objects are present at the positions indicated by A. Di Paola et al. (possible infrared transient, GCN#939) and by J. Zhu and S. J. Xue (possible optical transient, GCN#938). This message can be cited. Correction: in the GCN#941 (GRB010213, optical observations), one should read February 15.09 instead of January 15.09.