TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 944 SUBJECT: J-Band Observation of GRB 010214. DATE: 01/02/16 12:25:30 GMT FROM: Angelo Antonelli at Obs. Astro. di Roma L.A. Antonelli, F. D'Alessio, A. Di Paola, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy, M. Dolci, Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, Italy, on behalf of a larger collaboration report: On February 16.078935 UT we observed again the field of the suspect J-band counterpart of GRB 010214 (Di Paola et al., GCN #939) for a total exposure time of 7200 sec, with the AZT-24 1.1-meter telescope at Campo Imperatore (AQ), Italy. The point-like source reported in GCN #939 was still detected with a S/N=20 and a magnitude of J=19.1+/-0.1 consistent with the previous measurement. The source could be a very red foreground object but at this time, due to the few existent IR measures of GRBs afterglow, an anomalous IR afterglow cannot be excluded. Further IR observations are needed. The new J-band image is posted at http://argos.mporzio.astro.it/angelo/grb010214/ This message is citable."