TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 979 SUBJECT: GRB 010220: Near-IR Observations DATE: 01/02/23 13:39:35 GMT FROM: Angelo Antonelli at Obs. Astro. di Roma G. Li Causi, A. Di Paola, L.A. Antonelli, S. Puccetti, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy, G. Valentini, Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, Italy, on behalf of a larger collaboration report: "On Feb. 21 and Feb. 22 we observed the WFC error circle of GRB 010220 (Piro, GCN #953 and Manzo et al. GCN #956) in J and K band with the AZT-24 1.1-meter telescope at Campo Imperatore (AQ). At a preliminary investigation of the images we do not find any obvious candidate for the GRB 010220 afterglow. The limiting magnitudes reached in the four observations are reported in the table below: Date Band Feb 2001(UT) Lim.Mag. Texp(s) S/N =========================================== J 21.8841 18.4+/-0.2 2700 3 K 21.9258 17.5+/-0.2 3000 3 K 22.7627 17.1+/-0.2 2200 3 J 22.7990 18.6+/-0.2 2700 3 Due to the contamination from the nearby bright star we are not able to detect any object at the radio position quoted by Berger et al., GCN #958. The Feb. 21 K-band image is posted at http://argos.mporzio.astro.it/angelo/grb010220/ This message is citable."