GCN Circular -1
Possible new SGR from US Naval Observatory
1997-09-12T00:00:00Z (28 years ago)
Edited On
2024-07-04T20:13:48Z (8 months ago)
Arne A. Henden at USNO/USRA <aah@nofs.navy.mil>
Edited By
Vidushi Sharma at NASA GSFC/UMBC <vidushi.sharma@nasa.gov> on behalf of Tyler Barna at University of Minnesota <tylerpbarna@gmail.com>
The following report from A. Hendon et al. on the recent "possible new SGR"
(ref IAUC 6743) has also been submitted to the IAUC:
A. Henden, Universities Space Research Corporation (USRA) and U. S. Naval
Observatory, Flagstaff Station (USNOFS) aah@nofs.navy.mil
C. Luginbuhl, USNOFS cbl@nofs.navy.mil
F. Vrba, USNOFS fjv@nofs.navy.mil
B. Canzian, USRA/USNOFS bjc@nofs.navy.mil
J. Munn USNOFS jam@nofs.navy.mil
D. Hartmann, Clemson University hartmann@grb.phys.clemson.edu
We report a strong near-IR source about 2 arcmin from the the center
of the IPN error box for GRB970912 (IAUC 6743), located at RA = 18:14:50.31,
DEC = -13:41:05.6 (J2000, +-0.5arcsec). JHK images saturate in our shortest
available exposure (0.16 sec), but we estimate approximate magnitudes
of J = 7.4, H = 6.0, K = 5.1. This object is coincident with IRAS 18119-1337
within the errors of the positions. CCD images with limiting magnitudes
around 20-21 show the object barely visible at V, but easily visible
at R and bright at I. The object is barely on the POSS-I red plate.
While the GRB error box center has been recently revised based on RXTE ASM
data (D. Smith, priv. comm.) to a point some 20 arcmin south of the IPN
center, we note the similarity of this source to the potential IR counterparts
of SGR 1900+14.