GCN Circular 10154
GRB 091109B: VLT observations
2009-11-10T05:33:34Z (15 years ago)
Andrew Levan at U.of Leicester <A.J.Levan@warwick.ac.uk>
A.J. Levan (Warwick), N.R. Tanvir (Leicester), J. Hjorth, D. Malesani (DARK/NBI),
A. de Ugarte Postigo, P. D'Avanzo (INAF-OAB) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We observed the location of the short GRB 091109B (Oates et al. GCNC 10148), with
the VLT/FORS2. Observations began at 03:34 UT, approximately 5.7 hours after the burst.
Within the X-ray localisation (Evans et al. GCNC 10151) we identify a faint source
(Source A) at:
RA: 07:30:56.61
Dec: -54:05:22.85
We also identify a second, fainter source (Source B) just outside the X-ray localisation,
RA: 07:30:56.46
Dec: -54:05:25.56
Both positions have errors of ~0.5" in each axis.
Source A has R~25, and appears pointlike. At this stage we cannot make any claim of
variability in either source A or B, although further observation are planned.
Additionally, we note that the apparently extended object to the NW is actually a blend
of two stars, and a possible galaxy, rather than a single object, and hence its relation
to GRB 091109B is currently unclear.
We thank P. Lyman and the staff of VLT for their assistance with these observations.