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GCN Circular 10198

GRB 091127: CAHA 1.23m I-band observations
2009-11-28T03:25:55Z (15 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at IAA-CSIC <>
J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC), A. de Ugarte Postigo (INAF/OAB), V. Terron  
(IAA-CSIC), M. Fernandez (IAA-CSIC), P. Kubanek (IAA-CSIC), M. Jelinek  
(IAA-CSIC), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We have detected the GRB 091127 optical afterglow (Smith et al.  GCNC  
10192; Immler  et al. GCN 10193) by means of a single I-band frame  
(Texp=120s) taken with the CAHA 1.23m Telescope. The observations,  
carried out on Nov. 28.03862-28.04000 UT (~1.5 hours post burst) under  
poor weather conditions, yielded a preliminary I-band magnitude of  
I~16.4, assuming I=13.62 for the USNO-B1.0 star located at (RA,DEC) =  
(02:26:21.063,-18:57:19.02; J2000)."
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