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GCN Circular 10295

GRB 091221 : IRSF NIR upper limit
2009-12-25T14:42:23Z (15 years ago)
Kenta Nishimoto at Nagoya U/MOA-II <>
K. Nishimoto, T. Sako, H. Naito, D. Suzuki (Nagoya Univ.) on behalf of
the MOA Collaboration,
M. Kurita (Nagoya Univ.), Y.Ita (NAOJ) on behalf of the IRSF Collaboration

We searched for a NIR afterglow of GRB 091221 (GCN 10283, Krimm et al.)
starting from 22:27:49.7 UT on 2009 Dec 21 (95 minutes after the burst)
with the SIRIUS on the IRSF 1.4m telescope at SAAO in South Africa.
In images of a 150sec exposure with J, H and Ks filters, we did not find
any object within the error circle of the Swift XRT source position (
GCN 10287, Evans et al.)

Three sigma upper limits are the followings.

J > 19.5
H > 18.4
K > 17.0

This photometry was done by using the DoPhot and calibrated against the
2MASS cataloged stars.
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