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GCN Circular 10340

GRB 100117A: Magellan IMACS imaging
2010-01-18T06:12:30Z (15 years ago)
Ryan Chornock at UC Berkeley <>
R. Chornock, E. Berger (Harvard), R. Williams, and D. Kelson (OCIW) report:

"We observed the location of the short GRB 100117A (GCN 10336) with
IMACS on the Magellan/Baade 6.5-m telescope starting on 2010 Jan
18.042 UT (3.9 hours after the burst).  In a 1200 sec stacked R-band
image with a seeing of about 1" we detect the same four objects within the XRT
error circle (GCN 10336) found in archival CFHT images by Cenko et al. and
listed in GCN 10339.  All four objects appear to be extended in our image,
indicating that one of them may represent the GRB host galaxy.  No new sources
appear to be present within the XRT error circle, with a 3-sigma limiting
magnitude of approximately R=24.7."
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